Logo & Identity Standards

CMU Portugal Program (CMU Portugal)  logotype aims to highlight the importance of the collaboration between Portugal and Carnegie Mellon focusing on the ideas of partnership, collaboration and network. The connection of these two partners, these two “dots”, will lead to new paths, to research, to talent development, to innovative possibilities.
Since the main area of focus of the programme is ICT, the new branding represents technology through the use of a simplified icon inspired by networks and graphs. Furthermore the Carnegie Mellon Portugal branding keeps a strong connection to the Carnegie Mellon main brand through the use of their  word mark and colour palette, but still being able to have its own identity.
The logotype is the visual support of the program’s mission: placing Portugal at the forefront of innovation in key focused areas of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by promoting an innovation ecosystem with a tight coupling between cutting-edge research, world-class graduate education, and highly innovative companies in the data-driven economy. Therefore the logotype should be present on all the initiatives, communications and/or products developed under the scope or funded through CMU Portugal Program.

Below you will find the logo files to download in different formats. Before using the CMU Portugal logo, please consult the Logo Guidelines.